It can be daunting.

Have you scrolled through social media, or googled your favorite art, only to see dozens of talented artists, and think...

"I wish I could produce work like that!"

"I wish I could be my own authentic artist".

"I wish..."

It can go on and on and leave you feeling pretty lost sometimes right?

*Have you ever felt like you weren't really a serious artist because you do too many things? 

*Do you feel like you are just finding inspiration from other artists, without really getting it from within?

*Or that you don't feel comfortable calling yourself an artist at all?

*Maybe you feel like your work just isn't as good as you would like it to be, or doesn't reflect who you are and what you're trying to say?

*Do you get bored easily, can't seem to focus on just one type of art form and feel like you have AADD (Artistic Attention Deficit Disorder)?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are definitely in the right place!  

I Can Totally Relate!

I spent a solid year working on just this issue for my own work.

Over the years I have done everything from stained glass work, to quilting, to resin art, painting, and mixed media. I loved them all at different times in my life but I was just randomly creating, and didn't have any cohesiveness to what I was creating, and I wasn't building a signature style, or body of work.

I desperately wanted that. I wanted people to recognize my work, and be able to say "this is what I do", without giving up the opportunity to experiment and use a variety of materials, and tools.

When I heard more than one person say, "Your art speaks to me", and "You know how to create art that evokes emotions", the wheels started to turn and things started to click.

I don't want it to take you a year to figure out!

In this free mini class, I am going to share:

*Exactly how I started to figure out what my artistic style is.

*How I found my creative voice.

*How it changed everything about my approach to creating, and sharing my art.

*How the quality of my art got so much better as a result!

The Answers Are There For You My Creative Friend!

You just have to ask the right questions.

How This One Free Class Can Change Everything For You And Your Art!

By The End Of This Class, You Will Know Exactly What Your Artistic Style Is!

Forget taking a year to figure it all out!

You can do it in just one day if you want. Or use the full 30 days this FREE class is available to you!

  • You will learn what questions to ask yourself to help you gain clarity and direction in your art practice.

  • You will quickly, and easily start to form a vision of what kind of artist you are, and what your voice, and your story brings to the world through your work.

  • You will learn different perspectives on how to create without getting bored!

  • You will learn how to keep things simple so you can stay focused.

  • You will learn how to create a simple process you can use over, and over again to help you in your art practice which will in turn help you create better, more authentic work.